

Readers and Resolution Enhancement 

I still remember the emotion the first time I felt when I started writing this blog. It was how little I could express m...

Teaching Home Economics

Since I am a fifth grade homeroom teacher, there is a chance to teach home economics to students though I do not have to...

Buying New Guitar Scores

These days I try to practice easy pieces of guitar since I gradually get used to reading music scores. The more I read, ...

Not Be Able to Take an Exam

On Sunday, I was planning to take an exam on Japanese History 2nd grade. Unfortunately, however, I could not make it, du...
Classical Guitar/クラシックギター

2022年11月26日 レッスン振り返り

11月の3回目のレッスンでした。最近は音楽理論の点と点が繋がってきて自分でも弾いていて楽しいです。今日は単調について勉強しました。 短調 長調は「全全半全全全半」の順に音程が変わっていきます。ギターの場合、基音をずらすとすぐに別の調になるた...
Elementary School/小学校



School Play/ Presentation on Learning

There will be a school play day soon at school I work. It is called 学習発表会・音楽発表会 in Japanese and I looked for a words to ...

“Saunar/Sauner”, a sauna lover in Japan

More people in Japan love taking a sauna to relax. I have heard the term “saunar/sauner” to describe a sauna lover here....
Elementary School/小学校

Trapezoid Fomula

teach all subjects. At my school, all teachers are supposed to show their classes at least once a year and I opened an a...

Starting Writing Diary 

As time goes by and I start writing my blog here, I feel like I would like to write in English and more personal topics....