Impressions of reading スマホ脳

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Photo by Anna Nekrashevich on

Impressions of reading the smartphone brain

Recently, I have read a book called “Smartphone Brain” which is originally written in Sweden and popular in Japan too. I have often heard words such as smartphone addiction, which is not good for the brain, and I felt that I would spend too much time. This book explains the reason. Personally, I felt that I should put my smartphone in a different room or turned off when I was working and when I was sleeping. I also felt I should be careful about YouTube, which I often watch too long time, and I uninstalled the Twitter and Facebook apps from my smartphone. I’m going to experiment for myself how much “digital detox” can be done.

What should a child do?

As a teacher, I have a very serious question about how children should use smartphones. It is said that 98% of middle and high school students in Sweden have smartphones, and it seems that the possession rate is close to that in Japan. I think the ratio is much lower than this at my school, but it’s still over 50%. Personally, I felt that it would not be necessary for children to have smartphones if there was such a risk.

It seems that mainly for an issue to talk at each home, not at schools, but when I take education in a broad sense, it should be taught potential and danger of smartphones to children.

What Teachers Should Talk to Students

  • ・ Just by placing your smartphone on your desk or in your pocket, you will pay attention to it.
  • ・ SNS and YouTube are a lot of fun, because they will encourage you to use more and more.
  • ・ Since the brain is still in the developmental stage in teens, the ability to resist the attractiveness of smartphones is not sufficient.
  • ・ We should exercise.
  • → After all, exercise and sleep, (healthy eating) are important.











  • ・スマホを机の上やポケットの中などにおいているだけで集中力がそちらに向かう。
  • ・SNSやYouTubeはとても楽しいが,それは頭のいい人が興味を引くようにしているから。
  • ・10代のうちはまだ脳が発達段階のため,スマホの魅力に抗う力が十分ではない。
  • ・運動をしよう。→結局運動と睡眠,(健康的な食事)が重要。


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