Russian version of my blog

cathedral on red square among new year lights at night English
Photo by Elly Fairytale on

Russian version of my blog

 as I mentioned in my CV,  I can speak Russian. but when I write a blog everyday, translating all articles in Russian was you want to work for me. I wished I could translate an article in Russian someday but actually it comes true now. 

Impression of the article about Japanese teachers

The Russian version is translated by a Russian friend of mine,  and it is very beneficial even to me to brush up my Russian skills.  I believe that it is not only to introduce Japanese cool two people who can read Russian, but also to learn Russian language through the content of Japanese schools. I haven’t read Russian for a while so I felt that I can read some Russian but I cannot write Russian that much. Hopefully I can keep posting some Russian versions in the future as well.

Кей Хеерде в Вк:

My Thought

 Originally I just decided to start new things and begin this blog. No I’m thinking to write with three main purposes;

1.  To make this blog beneficial to whom learn languages and to whom teach languages

 Writing about learning language in general, dust Rock shell languages, introducing my methods to study languages.  In particular about education in school, I would like to post something useful for other teachers. Those articles might be written in Japanese.

2. To make it glossy to introduce about Japan in my own words

When I was in the US and when I talked with my International Friends I also have felt what I know about Japan as one Japanese person. When I took the exam to be a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter,  I felt how little I knew about Japan and Japanese culture. I would love to introduce you to Japan and how good the place is. 

3. To make the site to show what I’ve learned

Now I work at school as a teacher, I believe that I can still acquire many other things. Practicing classical guitar, starting for some licenses and summary of reading Old Bay interesting to keep doing as a part of my hobby.

Future Perspectives

Now I made the main purpose of my blog, I’m thinking to keep posting something new everyday. I would love to present some values to readers and to follow my learning through this blog. To achieve this aim, I would love to make menu bars reader friendly.


自己紹介にもあるように私自身もロシア語を話すことができます。ただ毎日ブログを書くという中で 書くだけでも手一杯になっているのが現状でした。 いつかロシア語でも書いてみたいなと思っていたのですが、今回ある記事をロシア語に訳すことができました。

Impression of the article about Japanese teachers

このロシア語訳は私の友人のロシア人が訳してくれたもので、私の勉強にとってもとても良いものだと感じています。日本の学校の様子をロシア語で紹介するだけでなく、ロシア語を勉強するためにも活用できるものではないかと感じています。久しぶりに私もロシア語を読んで、 読むことはできても書くことはできないかなと感じました。 これから先も少しずつロシア語バージョンを更新できるといいなと考えています。






アメリカで学習していた時、日本の大学で留学生と関わっていた時、よく感じることがあったことは、一日本人として自分が日本のどのようなことを知っているかということです。昨年通訳案内士の試験を受験した時も、自分が日本についてあまり知らないということを改めて感じました。 日本の良いところや魅力を自分の言葉で様々な言語で発信できるといいなと考えています。






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