Start a Blog at My School

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Start a Blog at My School

With the indication of managerial teachers, we will start a blog at my school next week. I don’t know how often it will be posted, but managers will write about the daily life of the school. I’m thinking of translating it into English. I haven’t looked at the websites of all schools in Japan, but at least in my area, I haven’t seen any English articles elsewhere. It’s a challenge to new things and I’m pretty excited.
By the way, I will not put the link to the blog of my school here.

How Long It Takes to Translate into English

There are many articles both in English and in Japanese in this blog, and it takes about 10 minutes for me to translate. I basically translate it with Google Translate and fix the unnatural parts. Recently, I am translating Japanese into English due to time constraints. After doing it for about two weeks, I was surprised that the translation was more accurate than I expected, and I also realized that it still couldn’t translate with unexpected parts. For example, in Japanese, the subject is often omitted, and this is not translated very accurately. On the other hand, words that correspond to technical terms in the school, such as division of school affairs, are well translated, and I am also studying my own English

Homepage Design

The HP of my school is created using the Homepage Builder. This time it was a minor change, and I added a blog link. It can be jumped to the blog by clicking. However, it looks a little old and doesn’t look neat, so I’m thinking of doing a major renewal during the summer vacation. It’s also a new challenge for me, but I’m grateful to have a lot of experience. I will do my best positively.






このブログでも英語と日本語での記事が多いですが、翻訳にかけている時間は10分ほどです。基本的にGoogle Translateで翻訳して、不自然な部分を修正しています。最近は時間の都合で日本語を英語に翻訳しています。2週間ほどやってみて、自分の予想以上に正確に翻訳できていることに驚くとともに、意外なところを訳せていないことにも気づけました。例えば、日本語では主語を省略されることが多いですが、これはあまり正確に翻訳できていません。一方、校務分掌などの、学校内の専門用語にあたる言葉は上手に訳してあり、自分の英語の勉強にもなっています。




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