Elementary School/小学校

Chants in a Class can be Original with AI

ChatGPT has the ability to generate song lyrics and propose chord progressions, while for audio-based songs, SongR can b...

ChatGPT’s Potential on Language Teaching

ChatGPT has the potential to serve as an exceptional language instructor if learners employ it effectively. Since my pre...


Time has flown by, and it's astonishing to realize that two months have already elapsed since my last post here. While I...
Language Learning/外国語学習

ChatGPT may be a great teacher of a language

ChatGPT is getting very popular and it is not difficult to find articles on how to use it effectively. It said I could a...

Is TEDed Difficult for English Learners?

From Chat GPT TEDed provides a variety of videos and educational content on various topics, including science, history, ...

6th Grade Farewell in Japan

This article is provided by Chat GPT. What is 6th Grade Farewell? "6th Grade Farewell" is a common event held in element...
Elementary School/小学校

Chat GPTに「弱いロボットだからできること」の意見文を書いてもらう

最近、巷でChat GPTが話題になっています。五年生の説明文「弱いロボットだからできること」という教材で、最後に「どちらかしか残せないのなら弱いロボットか高性能のロボットのどちらを残すか」を考え、意見文を書きました。 Chat GPTだっ...

Chat GPT and its feedback to my IELTS Writing

I wrote an essay for IELTS practice test and its result was 6.5. I have heard that Chat GPT gives feedback to writing co...

IELTS Writing Practice

I think music and other arts are important ways to express oneself like a language can do in every society. In terms of ...

First Use on ChatGPT

I heard about ChatGPT and used it for the first time; asking whether Japanese education is good. Only once sentence, it ...