

Practicing a Duet Song with my Friend

Once in a while, I practice the classical guitar with a friend of mine at a community center. We are going to play a son...

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Yesterday, I had my wisdom teeth removed at the dentist. I've had three wisdom teeth removed so far, but the last one gr...

Omelette Rice, a Japanese food which Japanese people think it’s not Japanese food

Once in a while, I can find something which is well known worldwide but popular mainly only in Japan. Omelette rice is o...

Japanese Words that are Japanese Oriented, from Chinese and Other languages

In Japanese class, students learned word origin. Mainly, there are three origins in Japanese words; Japan oriented, from...

Newspaper and Memories in Childhood

As I wrote a few days ago, I discussed media in class at school. The first mass-media they learn is newspapers. It seems...

Social Studies of 5th Grade: Media

Fifth graders at elementary schools learn “media and information technology” in social studies. Though media refers to w...

A Japanese Game: Look this way (あっちむいてほい)

In the English club at school, I played "Look this way!" with students. This is あっちむいてほい in Japanese and all Japanese pe...


朝鮮通信使の演劇を見る機会がありました。日本と韓国(朝鮮)の伝統芸能を融合させた歌と踊りの演劇でした。 舞物語 朝鮮通信使 江戸時代、第11次朝鮮通信使の一員として日本へ渡った楽士の話を題材に舞物語が展開されました。実話なのかは不明ですが、...
Classical Guitar/クラシックギター

2022年12月3日 レッスン振り返り

12月のレッスンが始まりました。山陰ギターコンクールの録音課題曲のハバネラも見てもらいました。 ハバネラ ハバネラはスペインで好まれた踊りの曲のようです。そのイメージ通りリズムよく演奏したいです。 16分のタタンタンのリズムを意識して演奏を...

Memories Working at an Eikaiwa School

When I was in graduate school, I used to work at an Eikaiwa school. I had a university student who wanted to study abroa...