

Google Japanese to English translation

When I don't have much time, I use Google Translate to write articles. My translation flow is as follows. First, write a...

Won an IELTS official Prep Test

I took IELTS for the first time in August. The result is 6.0, which is still far from the score I want. Around October, ...


In winter, I often suffer from chilblain, shimoyake. For me, it happens every year when it gets cold, so it's a normal t...

Daily Reflection

I used to listen to audiobooks almost every day. During that period, I heard more than 100 business books, and read a nu...

Balloon Release

We held an event called balloon release at school. A balloon release is an event in which balloons filled with gas are r...

Winter and Frozen Windshield

It's been getting colder lately, and the windshield of my car gets frozen when I go to work in the morning. It always ha...

Practicing a Duet Song with my Friend

Once in a while, I practice the classical guitar with a friend of mine at a community center. We are going to play a son...

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Yesterday, I had my wisdom teeth removed at the dentist. I've had three wisdom teeth removed so far, but the last one gr...

Omelette Rice, a Japanese food which Japanese people think it’s not Japanese food

Once in a while, I can find something which is well known worldwide but popular mainly only in Japan. Omelette rice is o...

Japanese Words that are Japanese Oriented, from Chinese and Other languages

In Japanese class, students learned word origin. Mainly, there are three origins in Japanese words; Japan oriented, from...