羽田からシアトルまでの飛行時間は9時間弱でした。時差を考慮すると機内ではなるべく睡眠をとるほうがよいのですが,日本時間の午後4時出発で到着が午前1時だったためあまり眠ることができませんでした。Godzilla vs KongとThe End We Start Fromという映画を視聴しました。速度を変えずに英語字幕だけで映画を観たのは久しぶりでしたが,字幕では静かにしゃべっている音,コングがはっと息をのむ,ため息をつくなどの効果音が字幕で表示されることが印象的でした。まだ早く会話が進む部分は聞き取ることができません。3年間の滞在中に聞き取ることができるようになるのでしょうか。

It’s been a while since my last post! Today marks the start of my PhD program at the University of Nevada, Reno. With this new chapter and a change in my academic affiliation, I thought it’d be a good time to start blogging again—sharing updates and reflecting on my experiences along the way.
My first day was all about travel. I left Japan on August 21st, flying from Haneda Airport through Seattle to finally arrive at Reno Airport. The flight took off at noon and I landed at 2 PM local time, which is wild because it felt like only two hours passed!
The connection at Haneda was a bit hectic. I had to take a free shuttle bus from the domestic terminal to the international one, which was an adventure in itself. I went through multiple security checks before finally reaching my gate. If there’s one thing I learned, it’s that you need plenty of time and a good sense of direction when navigating big airports like Haneda.
I had a 2.5-hour layover, but between waiting for the plane to reach the gate and the long security lines, I found myself rushing around more than I’d hoped. I wanted to check out the lounge that comes with my Gold Card, but there just wasn’t enough time—maybe next time.
The flight from Haneda to Seattle was just under 9 hours. Given the time difference, I knew I should sleep on the plane, but with a 4 PM departure from Japan and a 1 AM arrival in Seattle, I didn’t get much rest. Instead, I watched Godzilla vs. Kong and The End We Start From. It had been a while since I watched a movie with just English subtitles, without changing the speed. I found it interesting that the subtitles even included sound effects like “quietly speaking,” “Kong gasps,” and “sighs.” I still struggle to keep up with fast dialogue, but I wonder if my listening skills will improve during these three years in the U.S.
The transfer in Seattle involved going through immigration. I had to pick up my luggage, get it checked again, and then recheck it for the final leg to Reno. I was a bit nervous since I’ve never had to make a transfer like this in the U.S., but it went more smoothly than I expected. The flight from Seattle to Reno was about two hours. Reno, known for its casinos, welcomed me with slot machines right at the departure gate!
But hey, I made it! From here on out, I’ll be sharing my PhD journey, one post at a time. Day one of my study abroad adventure—complete.